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Aparatul primarului

aparatul primarului

Primarul are in subordinea sa un aparat propriu ce comunica cu locuitorii comunei....

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Hotarari CL

hotarari cl

Hotararile CL sunt supuse votarii si se refera la buna functionare a comunitatii...

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Documente contabile

documente contabile

Aici va sunt prezentate bugetul, bilantul, rectificarile si alte acte privind banii comunei

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Declaratii de avere

declaratie de avere si interese

Aici gasiti declaratiile de avere si interese ale membrilor CL si functionarilor publici...

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Folder Dispozitii 2018


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document Disp 428 Anexa (279 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 23 KB)
document Disp 427 stat functii AP 09 10 2018 (249 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 21 KB)
document Disp 427 Anexa (258 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 28 KB)
document Disp 426 angajare Danila MARIUTA (248 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 20 KB)
document Disp 426 Anexa asis pers (244 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 17 KB)
document Disp 425 proces verbal inventariere (263 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 17 KB)
document Disp 425 comisie inventariere UIP (264 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 20 KB)
document Disp 385 sectie de votare Revizuire Constitutie (270 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 19 KB)
document Disp 382 comis despagubiri mistreti (259 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 17 KB)
document Disp 381 conv CL 14 sept extraOrd (256 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 25 KB)
document Disp 380 comis despagubiri mistreti (268 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 16 KB)
document Disp 380 anexa (254 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 18 KB)
document Disp 379 comisie contestatii Referent (274 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 20 KB)
document Disp 378 comisie concurs referent (266 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 26 KB)
document Disp 377 comis receptie DRUMURI CL CJ (261 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 17 KB)
document Disp 377 Anexa (248 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 12 KB)
document Disp 376 acordare indemnizatie Stoian M (258 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 21 KB)
document Disp 375 Incetare Gaes E (249 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 16 KB)
document Disp 374 Incetare Birgau I (265 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 16 KB)
document Disp 373 conv CL 31 august Ord (248 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 24 KB)
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