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Aparatul primarului

aparatul primarului

Primarul are in subordinea sa un aparat propriu ce comunica cu locuitorii comunei....

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Hotarari CL

hotarari cl

Hotararile CL sunt supuse votarii si se refera la buna functionare a comunitatii...

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Documente contabile

documente contabile

Aici va sunt prezentate bugetul, bilantul, rectificarile si alte acte privind banii comunei

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Declaratii de avere

declaratie de avere si interese

Aici gasiti declaratiile de avere si interese ale membrilor CL si functionarilor publici...

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Folder Autorizatii si certificate


pdf Lista C U emise in Trim III 2023

By 45 downloads

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Lista C.U. emise in Trim. III-2023.pdf

pdf Lista A C A D emise in Trim III 2023

By 44 downloads

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Lista A.C.-A.D. emise in Trim. III-2023.pdf

pdf Lista A C A D emise in Trim II 2023

By 41 downloads

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Lista A.C.-A.D. emise in Trim. II-2023.pdf

pdf Lista C U emise in Trim II 2023

By 49 downloads

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Lista C.U. emise in Trim. II-2023.pdf

pdf Lista AC AD trim I 2022 Popular

By 162 downloads

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Lista AC-AD trim. I 2022.pdf

pdf Lista C U trim I 2022 Popular

By 174 downloads

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Lista C.U. trim. I 2022.pdf

pdf LISTA C U PERIOADA 01 01 2020 31 12 2020 Popular

By 218 downloads

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LISTA C.U. PERIOADA 01.01.2020-31.12.2020.pdf

pdf LISTA C U PERIOADA 01 01 2021 31 03 2021 Popular

By 221 downloads

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LISTA C.U. PERIOADA 01.01.2021-31.03.2021.pdf

pdf LISTA A C A D PERIOADA 01 01 2021 31 03 2021 Popular

By 246 downloads

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LISTA A.C.-A.D. PERIOADA 01.01.2021-31.03.2021.pdf

pdf LISTA A C A D PERIOADA 01 01 2020 31 12 2020 Popular

By 202 downloads

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LISTA A.C.-A.D. PERIOADA 01.01.2020-31.12.2020.pdf

pdf LISTA CU 2020 RAFAILA Popular

By 615 downloads

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pdf LISTA AC 2020 RAFAILA Popular

By 616 downloads

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pdf LISTA C U 2019 Popular

By 660 downloads

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LISTA C.U. - 2019.pdf

pdf LISTA A C 2019 Popular

By 612 downloads

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LISTA A.C. - 2019.pdf

document Proce verbal de receptie LA TERMINAREA LUCRARILOR Popular

By 751 downloads

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proce verbal de receptie LA TERMINAREA LUCRARILOR.doc

document Instiintare incepere lucrari autorizate Popular

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document Instiintare finalizare lucrari autorizate Popular

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pdf Cerere prelungire valabilitate certificat urbanism Popular

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pdf Cerere certificat urbanism Popular

By 1282 downloads

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