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aparatul primarului

Primarul are in subordinea sa un aparat propriu ce comunica cu locuitorii comunei....

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Hotarari CL

hotarari cl

Hotararile CL sunt supuse votarii si se refera la buna functionare a comunitatii...

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Documente contabile

documente contabile

Aici va sunt prezentate bugetul, bilantul, rectificarile si alte acte privind banii comunei

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Declaratii de avere

declaratie de avere si interese

Aici gasiti declaratiile de avere si interese ale membrilor CL si functionarilor publici...

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Folder Dispozitii 2018


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document Disp 337 angajare Mardare A (239 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 20 KB)
document Disp 337 Anexa asis pers (247 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 17 KB)
document Disp 336 fisa postului Badiu M A 5 (226 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 40 KB)
document Disp 336 desemnare Mihaela RCP(copii cu CES) (212 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 16 KB)
document Disp 335 conv CL 31 iulie Ord (219 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 24 KB)
document Disp 305 ULS epizotii (232 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 22 KB)
document Disp 304 stat functii AP 05 07 2018 (223 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 20 KB)
document Disp 304 Anexa (233 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 27 KB)
document Disp 303 acordare indemnizatie Sandu Irina (232 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 21 KB)
document Disp 302 angajare Bargau Iuliana (232 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 19 KB)
document Disp 302 Anexa asis pers (237 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 17 KB)
document Disp 271 Circuitul intern al documentelor (229 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 20 KB)
document Disp 270 fisa postului Gabi V (220 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 23 KB)
document Disp 268 fisa postului Mihaela (231 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 23 KB)
document Disp 269 fisa postului Lacramioara (236 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 23 KB)
document Disp 266 comisie calamitati (256 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 22 KB)
document Disp 265 conv CL 14 iunie Ord (219 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 24 KB)
document Disp 263 proiect achizitie BULDO (225 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 23 KB)
document Disp 255 respons Date personale (213 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 19 KB)
document Disp 254 aj urgenta RUSU LACRAMIOARA (234 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 17 KB)
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