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Aparatul primarului

aparatul primarului

Primarul are in subordinea sa un aparat propriu ce comunica cu locuitorii comunei....

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Hotarari CL

hotarari cl

Hotararile CL sunt supuse votarii si se refera la buna functionare a comunitatii...

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Documente contabile

documente contabile

Aici va sunt prezentate bugetul, bilantul, rectificarile si alte acte privind banii comunei

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Declaratii de avere

declaratie de avere si interese

Aici gasiti declaratiile de avere si interese ale membrilor CL si functionarilor publici...

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Folder Dispozitii 2018


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pdf Disp 106 Incetare Titina A (245 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 122 KB)
pdf Disp 104 REFERAT (245 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 83 KB)
pdf Disp 104 fisa postului Ciobanica (237 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 134 KB)
pdf Disp 104 Fisa postului Ciobanica Neculai 2018 (235 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 186 KB)
pdf Disp 84 103 aloc sustinere (251 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 130 KB)
pdf Disp 83 permanenta (234 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 118 KB)
pdf Disp 72 82 ajutor social (245 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 115 KB)
pdf Disp 71 desemn resp Deseuri (233 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 120 KB)
pdf Disp 70 desemn STAMPILE (253 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 135 KB)
pdf Disp 69 conv CL 28 februarie Ord (239 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 120 KB)
pdf Disp 67 desemn pers amenajament pastoral (248 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 118 KB)
pdf Disp 68 desemn RAN (250 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 134 KB)
pdf Disp 66 aloc sustinere (257 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 130 KB)
pdf Disp 65 fisa postului Sandu Daniela 2018 (233 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 125 KB)
pdf Disp 65 Inspectie fiscala (314 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 203 KB)
pdf Disp 64 comisie licitatie DISPENSAR (293 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 149 KB)
pdf Disp 63 conv CL 7 febr extraOrd (242 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 117 KB)
pdf Disp 62 acordare indemnizatie Finaru broasca (246 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 121 KB)
pdf Disp 61 angajare Sandu Marcela Rodica (242 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 122 KB)
pdf Disp 61 Anexa asis pers (227 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 93 KB)
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